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Case Consultation for Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

chris noble headshot
Case Consultation for Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


February 17, 2025    
1:00 pm-2:00 pm


Bookings closed


Event Type

Case Consultation and clinical training using COMB, CBT, ACT, Collaborative Coaching and related research-supported interventions for Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Dr. Chris Noble (Director of Clinical Services at Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta) is a proud member of the BFRB and ADHD community herself and the proud owner of her own neurodivergent brain. She is also the parent of a gifted fabulous and quirky ADHD child, and brings science, practice and personal passion to the consultative process.

Clinicians and clients will receive support and consultation with individualized guidance from a specialist in the treatment of BFRBs and ADHD/Executive Functioning concerns across the lifespan. Consultations focus on treating clients from evidence-based approaches, such as:

  1. Comprehensive Behavioral Model (COMB)
  2. Parent coaching and Training
  3. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  4. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and
  5. related research-supported interventions specific to these conditions.

This includes information on assessments and diagnosis of BFRBs and ADHD, review of non-psychological diagnostic considerations for symptoms of BFRBs and ADHD and appropriate referrals, recommendations for building a treatment team, case conceptualization, psychoeducation on treatment modalities, and treatment planning.

BFRB consultations are offered for:

  • parent training for children (2+)
  • how to conduct individual therapy with parent training or co-therapy with parents and children with BFRBs
  • building protocols and structuring environments for facilitating BFRB recovery
  • working with adolescents and teens with adjunctive parent support, and
  • working with adults with BFRBs (including and incorporative spousal or recovery supporters, if indicated).

Suggestions and treatment planning for treating at the intersection of BFRBs, Executive Functioning concerns, and co-occurring anxiety or OCD-related disorders can also be an area of focus.

Consultations for ADHD and Executive Functioning concerns can focus on:

  • parent training and coaching for ADHD children and teens
  • failure-to-launch young adults, and
  • individual coaching for teens through adults that expands past “tricks and tips coaching” to including usage of functional analysis and application of driving and restraining forces which guides effective treatment planning and therapy.

Learn and practice a wide range of cognitive and behavioral strategies for ADHD, including providing engaging psychoeducation, tailoring interventions and experiments, cognitive restructuring, distress tolerance, mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches for navigating therapy with ADHD’rs.

Additionally, consultations will assist clinicians in coaching and professional development around minority stress models of neurodiversity and competent and ethical care, assisting clients in working with the challenges of having an ADHD brain, as well as assisting therapists in becoming a neurodiversity-celebrating cheerleaders to clients with differently wired brains, helping them unlock their omnipotential and supporting them as they build valued, interest-based and importance-based lives.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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